Yesterday, after not managing to align our free time for almost 3 weeks, we finally got to meet up with our good friend Alexei Obolensky.
Or Obby as we like to call him, effortlessly cool WastedTalent magazine and Boutique owner. He had been in Portugal since the beginning of April working with Volcom (a man of many talents) on their latest project and yesterday was his last day in the Country before driving back home to France.
Luis and Obby have known each other for 6 years after meeting through a shared passion, surfing. So we drove up to Ericeira in the morning and tracked him down at Praia dos Coxos, which was overly crowded and didn’t look much fun. Needless to say we made a hasty exit and found a much quieter spot where the waves were pumping. Because first things first, the boys had to surf. Obviously.

This particular spot has a rather tricky entry point. One can either face a long paddle out from the beach or jump off the rocks (minding your feet from the notoriously nasty sea urchins on the way).
Luis and Alex chose the rocks. After delicately hopping their way to the water’s edge, they made it to the jumping point unscathed. Until….
If you listen closely you can hear the concerned sounds that only a close friend can make. I did ask permission before posting this BTW just before you start thinking I’m a terribly cruel person.
Luis managed to descend without any collisions and together they paddled out to join the only other person in the water.

I happily perched on a rock to film their waves (my other main occupation it seems – designated surf filmer) and listened to the cries of encouragement from the nearby onlookers. Here are my fav clips of the day:
After a long session our next priority was food. Our favourite restaurant in Ericeira was on the menu, “O Pescador“. Also owned by one of our favourite people, Carlos Vieira, who has been a massive support to us during the lodge renovation. Carlos’ restaurant has become “the place to go” for something to eat, with delicious fresh seafood and divine salads with ingredients grown at Carlos’ farm on the menu. O Pescador’s walls are also the new owner of some amazing artwork, courtesy of Volcom artists Jessica and Adrien, so of course we had to go to check that out too.

Espectacular!!! dos amigos disfrutando del mar que parece es su mejor pasión… mas parejas y amigos de este estilo habría que haber.
Saludos desde Valencia